Thursday, 30 April 2015

South African Traditional Weddings


Image result for wedding pictures south africa



Inter-rational Couple



  Love goes beyond race, it is a mutual understanding between two individuals who decide to put aside all their differences and come together for one special cause-LOVE.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Indian Wedding

Image result for ethnic weddingsthe couple...

Image result for ethnic weddingsthe cake...  

                                                                          Image result for ethnic weddings                                   

the venue

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

cutting across boundaries and coming closer home, a wedding celebration in South Africa
A great marriage is not when the “perfect couple” comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. -Dave Meurer
A perfect event to celebrate an 'imperfect couple', a  wedding day is the best day of each and everyone's life, it is that one day that all the attention of family and friends is diverted from their various occupations and is centered on the couple, specifically the Bride. It is that day two people devote theirselves to loving each other in any situation and no matter the circumstance.
Being such a personal event makes it so important that one gets to wear that which they feel comfortable in considering their cultural, social as well as religious backgrounds.
It is every girl's dream to be a beautiful bride one day hence we going to be bringing to light various wedding gowns that suit different ethnic groups so as to make it easier for our bride-to-be when they want to choose that special dress for that special day!
Colourful Wedding Party
Exquisite Gowns!
Pure African

Classy bride and groom